Thursday, March 28, 2013

Hard Magic by Larry Correia

Larry Correia's website

Book 1 of the Grimnoir Chronicles Series

Imagine if around the early 1900s, history began to veer off from the course ours took... What if the Titanic never sank because of the efforts of one man? Or if airships became a preferred way to travel for most countries? Or if people were the cause of the Dust Bowl? What if all of this was because an emergence of people with special powers?

The story begins with us meeting Jake Sullivan, former war hero, convict... and a Heavy, meaning that he can manipulate gravitational forces. He's recently been released from prison early, but the catch is that he has to help the FBI catch Actives who're breaking the law. But on his most recent assignment, he'll find more than he bargained for... and that perhaps the government has been lying to him.

When I originally saw the cover of this book at work, I was immediately drawn in by the interesting cover art, and who wouldn't be? It's a very noir/gothic design, and the description on the back describes a steampunk/magical version of our world, where things have kinda gone to hell, just in a different way than things have in our world. I ended up buying it in Mass market paperback because I needed something new and interesting to read, and boy was I surprised (in a good way!)

The beginning is a little slow, having to give some backstory to establish the world and certain characters. Each chapter gives the reader an account of magic usage, or of something going on in the times to best help set up the scene. Once I got to the real first chapter, I was brought in immediately by the action and pace of the book. It went right into a fight/chase scene like everyone likes to read, without spoon feeding you too much information, but handing it to you in skillful ways so that you know what you need to to understand.

Personally, I wanted MORE information about the magic powers and all, and I was pleasantly surprised to see that there is a dictionary at the end of the book (before the preview of one of the author's new books), and it describes different powers, the differences between Active and Passive (which is kind of explanatory, but offers more information to clarify).

The main character is Jake Sullivan, but many other characters weasel their ways into your heartstrings, especially that of Faye. She's a bubbly girl who you want to succeed, and who you get to see blossom throughout the book. While there are deaths throughout the book, most of them are nameless characters, or characters that there isn't too much rapport with.

Overall, I would say read this book and you won't be sorry. It's a thrilling book, and let me tell you the ending was not expected at all, unlike some great books out there.


Final Report:
Hard Magic by Larry Correia
593 pages
$7.99 (In Store)
$6.52 (Online)

Available at your local Barnes and Noble or at Barnes and Noble Online

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